Upcoming Events
3/25/25 - Planning Commission Meeting held the last Tuesday each month in the town hall.
4/3/25 - Town Council Meeting held the first Thursday each month in the Town Hall at 6pm.
4/18/25 - Good Friday Town Hall will be closed today and reopen Monday, April 21th.
4/29/25 - Planning Commission Meeting held the last Tuesday each month in the town hall.
5/1/25 - Town Council Meeting held the first Thursday each month in the Town Hall at 6pm.
5/26/25 - Memorial Day Town Hall will be closed today in observance of Memorial Day.
5/27/25 - Planning Commission Meeting held the last Tuesday each month in the town hall.
Main Menu
Town Officials
Town Council Members
Donald W. Sincell - Mayor - 7/2025
Bryan Fred Callis - VP of Council - 7/2026
Patrick Damon - 7/2026
Linda Fike - 7/2025
Jeffrey Hovis - 7/2025
Pam Nelson - 7/2026
Planning Commission
Patrick Damon - Chairman
Linda Goodrich
James Moore
Zoning Board of Appeals
Karen Wooddell - Chairman
Leon Cardiff, Jr.
Gene Flinn
Town Employees
Lois Wilson - Clerk Treasurer
Jeff Meyers - Maintenance Supervisor
Willie Stemple
Dylan Stemple
Code Enforcement Office
Jarrett Mahoney
Michael Llewellyn