Upcoming Events
8/27/24 - Planning Commission Meetings are held on the last Tuesday of each month
8/29/24 - Brush Pickup is limited to small amounts of limbs and sticks and must be placed along the roadway. For more information, see our Home Page under Town Services.
8/30/24 - Labor Day the Town Hall will close in observance of the Labor Day.
9/2/24 - Labor Day the Town Hall will close in observance of the Labor Day.
9/5/24 - Town Council Meetings are held on the first Thursday, because of the holiday last week the meeting was changed to the second Thursday in the Town Hall at 6pm.
9/17/24 - Zoning Appeals Board Meetings are held on the Third Tuesday of each month in the Town Hall at 6pm.
9/24/24 - Planning Commission Meetings are held on the last Tuesday of each month in the
9/26/24 - Brush Pickup is limited to small amounts of limbs and sticks and must be placed along the roadway. For more information, see our Home Page under Town Services.
Main Menu
Town Officials
Town Council Members
Donald W. Sincell - Mayor - 7/2025
Bryan Fred Callis - VP of Council - 7/2026
Patrick Damon - 7/2026
Linda Fike - 7/2025
Jeffrey Hovis - 7/2025
Pam Nelson - 7/2026
Planning Commission
Patrick Damon - Chairman
Linda Goodrich
James Moore
Zoning Board of Appeals
Karen Wooddell - Chairman
Leon Cardiff, Jr.
Gene Flinn
Town Employees
Lois Wilson - Clerk Treasurer
Jeff Meyers - Maintenance Supervisor
Willie Stemple
Dylan Stemple
Code Enforcement Office
Jarrett Mahoney
Michael Llewellyn